Why Use Readyjet

removal of dead concrete

Removal of dead concrete from your mixer will improve the concrete mixer productivity and quality of output.

sample  amount of dead concrete removed

An example of the volume of dead concrete that can be removed from 1 concrete mixer.


Major Risks:

bulletpoint Deadly falling debris of large chunks of concrete
bulletpoint Risk of serious injury and/or illness
bulletpoint Potential death


Manual chipping is dangerous to operators:

bulletpoint Falling overhead concrete chunks
bulletpoint Sharp blades
bulletpoint Repetitive Strain Injury from jack hammer vibration
bulletpoint Silicosis
bulletpoint Hearing damage
bulletpoint Fatigue
bulletpoint Heat stress


We can no longer turn a blind eye… This is happening INDUSTRY WIDE! It could cost you in:
bulletpoint Injuries
bulletpoint Lost time
bulletpoint Health & Safety inspections
bulletpoint Fatalities
bulletpoint Insurance liability and increased premiums
bulletpoint Court Cases
bulletpoint Reputation

The Ready Jet will not damage your drum during the cleaning process. This is a very common occurance when cleaning the drum but Readyjet will insure it does not happen. Below are examples of Drums that have been damaged by manual jackhammer chipping method.

Exterior drum showing jackhammer damage

Exterior drum showing jackhammer damage

Blade damage

Dead Concrete Weight Comparisons

By removing all the dead concrete from the concrete mixer you will free up space allowing higher volumes of concrete to be mix. Also the weight being transported will greatly reduce meaning less fuel consumption.

Average is 1 Cubic Metre Of Dead Concrete / Truck Equal To 2 x Mini Coopers Of Extra Weight In The Drum

1 Cubic Metre = 2400kg

1 Mini Cooper = 1,200kg